
Welcome to the Wound Care Solutions reviews page. Here you will find reviews, testimonials and feedback comments from medical professionals, patients and those using the Pulsar II™ Selective Hydro Mechanical Wound Debridement system. We will be populating our reviews page on an ongoing basis as well as including verified Google reviews in the very near future. If you would like to send us your own feedback and comments, please do so using our contact form. It’s very important to us to hear your comments as well as being helpful to other readers using the product. Thank you from the team at Wound Care Solutions

We are using the Pulsar II™ on a wide range of wounds, and after just one 3-minute treatment, we see amazing results. By the second and third treatments, the wound is fully clean and debrided, ready to continue the healing process.

It’s so easy to use, and the patient feedback is incredible – they feel no pain during treatment, unlike other methods they’ve experienced. We’ve now set up regular debridement clinics, allowing us to treat many more patients much more efficiently. We are certainly going to continue using the Pulsar II™ and strongly recommend it to all our colleagues in other departments. It is an amazing product.

Nauzet – Spain

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After a double breast reduction, one breast healed as expected, but the other did not and was extremely painful. Despite many visits and weeks of trying various treatments, my consultant and his team could not progress the wound or alleviate the pain. Then I discovered the Pulsar II™ and asked the supplier if it might help. They confirmed it would, but I needed my consultant’s permission to try it. After reviewing the product information and evidence of its effectiveness, my consultant agreed.

The first treatment by Wound Care Solutions provided immediate benefits and was painless. The issue was that I was leaving for a 3-week holiday in Spain the next day. Wound Care Solutions kindly provided the necessary supplies and trained my husband, who is not medically trained, on how to perform the treatment using bottled mineral water. He followed the instructions each day, and I saw daily improvements. By the time we returned to the UK, the wound was completely healed, and I was pain-free. My consultant was amazed when he saw the results. I am eternally grateful to Wound Care Solutions and, of course, the Pulsar II™.

Melanie – UK

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